• by admin
  • December 02, 2023
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Symptoms, Causes & Treatment of Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is the term for the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, which are the vertical muscles that run down the middle of the abdomen. It is a frequent illness that affects both pregnant women and people who have gained a substantial amount of weight. These muscles lengthen during pregnancy, causing a space to open up between them. Although this division is normal throughout pregnancy, it ought to shut down following delivery. However, diastasis recti can occur when the muscles don't completely reconnect.


A prominent bulge or "pooch" in the belly is the main sign of diastasis recti. This bulge is especially noticeable when performing abdominal-straining exercises as coughing, lifting, or sitting up from a laying posture. Some signs and symptoms could be:

Visible Bulge: An obvious enlargement or bulge in the middle of the abdomen that is evident, particularly when performing certain workouts or sitting upright.

Weak Core: Weakened abdominal muscles can make it more difficult to do specific physical activities, cause back pain, and result in bad posture.

Digestive Problems: Because of the weakening of the abdominal wall, some people may have digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or pelvic floor dysfunction.


Excessive intra-abdominal pressure is the main cause of diastasis recti because it weakens and varieties the connective tissues that hold the rectus abdominal muscles together. Among the elements causing this elevated pressure are:

Pregnancy: As the uterus grows, the abdominal muscles are stretched and compressed, which frequently results in diastasis recti.

Heavy Lifting: Lifting large weights frequently without using your core muscles or using improper form can strain and separate your abdominal muscles.

Genetics: Due to genetic connective tissue weakness or other genetic reasons, certain people may be more susceptible to developing Diastasis Recti.


Diastasis recti treatment is based on the patient's symptoms and the degree of separation. In moderate cases, the illness may be sufficiently improved with particular workouts and a change in lifestyle. These actions consist of:

Exercises and Physical Therapy: Under the supervision of a specialist, targeted exercises and physical therapy can help strengthen the abdominal muscles by encouraging the muscles to fuse back together.

Core Strengthening: Exercises that focus on the deep core muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and transverse abdominis muscles can help to improve muscular tone and facilitate the closing of the gap.

Supportive Garments: Splints or abdominal binders might help to bring the muscles closer together by offering external support.

Surgical Intervention (In Severe situations): To heal the separation and strengthen the abdominal wall in severe situations where conservative approaches fail, surgery (such as an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck) may be advised.


Although diastasis recti cannot always be avoided, there are steps that can lower the chance of getting the condition:

Good Posture: To avoid putting excessive stress on the abdominal muscles during pregnancy and daily activities, maintain proper posture.

Appropriate Exercise Methods: Perform exercises with the appropriate form, emphasizing the development of core muscles and avoiding undue stress on the abdomen.

Postpartum Care: After giving birth, gradually resume abdominal exercises and get advice from medical professionals regarding safe procedures.


Diastasis Recti can afflict anybody, especially women who have just given birth and those who engage in physically demanding activities involving the abdominal muscles. People with Diastasis Recti can effectively manage and treat the condition, reducing its impact on everyday life and physical well-being, with proper treatment, exercise, and, if necessary, medical intervention. To ensure a precise diagnosis and customized treatment strategies, speaking with female cosmetic surgeon is essential.

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